Grain Dryers

Don’t get caught out by another wet harvest…
OPICO’s Grain Dryers have the solution

Easy to install and relocate when necessary, OPICO Grain Dryers do not require vast expenditure on handling equipment and can easily dry up to 240 tons per day automatically, with minimal supervision.

Using diesel or gas and with 3 phase or PTO drive OPICO dryers recirculate the grain constantly to dry thoroughly and consistently whilst improving hectolitre weights and augmenting quality.

  • Opico GT Gas Grain Dryers – 9-18 Tonnes

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    Why get caught out by another wet harvest when OPICO’s Grain Dryers have the solution. Easy to install and relocate when necessary, OPICO Grain Dryers do not require vast expenditure on handling equipment and our Gas Grain Dryers can easily dry up to 168 tons per day automatically, with minimal supervision. Using gas with 3 phase or PTO drive OPICO dryers recirculate the grain constantly to dry thoroughly and consistently whilst improving hectolitre weights and augmenting quality.

  • Opico Magna Diesel Grain Dryers – 12-48 Tonnes

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    Don’t get caught out by another wet harvest… Opico’s Grain Dryers have the solution. Easy to install and relocate when necessary, Opico Grain Dryers do not require vast expenditure on handling equipment and can easily dry up to 240 tons per day automatically, with minimal supervision. Loading time and unloading time is dead time when using a dryer, Opico dryers have high capacity loading augers, recirculating augers and unloading augers, reducing non drying time and increasing throughput. The more air you can blow through grain the more quickly grain will dry and cool, OPICO dryers have high capacity fans in relation to the size of the dryer which speeds up drying and cooling decreasing batch time and increasing throughput. Larger burners attain the drying temperatures more quickly and maintain more consistent drying temperature, decreasing drying time and increasing throughput. The size of the plenum chamber in a grain dryer dictates the amount of grain that is being dried at any one time . The larger plenum area on the Magna models gives a higher drying capacity.